CppProperties #
Welcome to the official documentation of the CppProperties library. Let’s start off with a couple of useful links:
Overview #
This is a C++20 library providing a property system to client classes. Basic example:
struct shape :
MAKE_PROPERTY(name, std::string);
MAKE_PROPERTY(x, float);
MAKE_PROPERTY(y, float);
struct circle :
MAKE_PROPERTY(radius, float);
int main()
// Create a circle
circle c;
c.x = 16.2f;
c.y = 84.7f;
c.radius = 15.0f;
// Save to XML string
std::cout << c.save(tct::cppproperties::archiver_xml()) << std::endl;
return 0;
Will print:
<name>My Shape</name>
Features #
The library is built with the following aspects in mind:
- Modern C++
- Easy to use
- Providing “raw access” to the properties just as if they were regular class members.
- Easy registration of custom property types.
- Easy integration of optional (de)serialization (XML & JSON already optionally built-in).
- Observer interface for property change notifications.
- Support for linked properties (properties in a base class not implementing this library).
Notes #
A couple of things to be aware of when using this library:
- Requires a C++20 capable compiler
- Properties are stored on the heap
- The memory layout of
struct { MAKE_PROPERTY(a, int) };
is not the same asstruct { int a; };
- Property change notification observer callbacks are invoked by which ever thread modified the property value.
License #
This library is MIT licenses.
It uses tinyxml2 for XML (de)serialization. The tinyxml2 library itself is zlib licensed.
Motivation #
I’m the author of Simulton’s GPDS library. This library was written with quite a few years less of C++ experience on my side and suffers from the following main problems:
- No ability to register custom types
- Serialization requires the user to expressively implement to-container and from-container functions manually for each member to be serialized
- Bad error reporting
CppProperties is a library with the motivation of leverating C++20 and new experience gained over the years to provide a subjectively superior solution.